The Agency for Supervision of Education and Science inspects the institute

According to the work plan of the Agency for Education and Science Control of the Republic of Tajikistan for the second half of 2023 and the order of the Director of the Agency for Education and Science Control of the Republic of Tajikistan dated May 9, 2023, No. 747, the Tajikistan Mining and Metallurgical Institute is undergoing an assessment of the quality of education. For this reason, a working group of 5 people and an expert working group of 50 people from universities in the Sughd region will be operating at the institution for 8 days. In this regard, the Educational Affairs Department of the Tajikistan Mining and Metallurgical Institute is tasked with providing favorable conditions for the quality of education assessment by the commission of the Agency for Education and Science Control of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Department of Quality of Education of the Tajikistan Mining and Metallurgical Institute, heads of faculties, department heads, and other relevant structures and units are required to provide information about the institute’s achievements during the inspection and provide the commission with the necessary information within the established time frame.