Educational administration

The Head of the educational administration

Osimi Okil

Candidate in engineering




Educational administration,  an integral part of the structure of the institute, manages the educational process. The Department performs its functions in accordance with the Charter of the Institute (in the form of job descriptions) and coordinates the favorable organization of the educational process, the activities of all structural divisions of the Institute.

The Central Scientific and Methodological Council operates under the administration, which contributes to the improvement of the level of knowledge of students, the improvement of the educational process, the development of educational materials.

Currently, 18 undergraduate study programs have been developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in agreement with the Republican Educational and Methodological Center. Educational and programs are developed and approved in accordance with the list of departments. In order to improve the educational situation of students at the department, preparatory work was carried out to develop a set of educational materials for 4 faculties working on a credit education system. At the beginning of each academic year, each student studying under the credit system, depending on the specialty in accordance with the curriculum and work plans for the semester, will receive electronic versions of the subjects studied in electronic form. In order to prepare the teachers of the institute for the credit training system in accordance with the schedule approved by the institute. The Department of Education organizes and conducts training seminars. Every year, at the beginning of the academic year, the Department of Education develops a plan of educational and methodological activities for faculties. Supervises the transfer of students from course to course. Until now, the Department of Education was headed by: Niyozov A.M., Sultonova R.M., Nurmatova D.R., Rakhimova D.A., Mutavaliev A.T., Shamsidinov Sh.Kh. Currently, the head of the education administration is the candidate of technical sciences Osimi Okil.



Responsibilities of the administration office

– control and analysis of the educational schedule;

– allocation of areas allocated for educational purposes;

– control over the use and distribution of the audience fund by faculties and departments;

– collection of data for the preparation of documents;

– drawing up a schedule of the educational process;

– control over the organization of the educational process at departments and faculties;

– analysis of the audit fund in preparation for the new academic year;

  1. Final state certification of students.

– preparation of documents and approval of the chairmen of the State Examination Commission in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;

– drawing up orders for the final state certification (SE) of students;

– Consultation and meeting on SE issues;

– processing and approval of the statements of the SE (protocols of the SE, reviews, assignments, etc.);

– preparation and submission of documents to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan for certification;

conducting educational programs;

– drawing up and approval of the schedule of the SE-a;

– control over the organization and holding of meetings of the State  Examination;

– collection and analysis of reports from the chairmen of the SE;

– analysis of the results of state certification.



Basic Instructional education administration

  1. Development and approval of normative documents on education.
  2. Timely notification of the heads of faculties and other educational departments about changes in the normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  3. Consulting and methodological assistance on training issues.
  4. Scheduling the educational process, the schedule of lessons and exams.
  5. Analysis of the state of the audit fund.
  6. Collection and processing of statistics based on the results of current, administrative and state certification.
  7. Preparation of materials for the administration, the Academic Council, etc.
  8. 8. Preparation of materials at the request of the leadership of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan, etc.



The staff of Education  administration

Hoshimov Khairullo Gaybullodzhonovich – leading specialist;

Eshov Zulfon Subkhonovich – leading specialist;

Mahmudov Hasanboy Akhmadzhonovich – leading specialist;