Visit of representatives of the Singapore Institute of Management Development to the Ministry of Education and Science

On December 13, 2019, еру First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Rakhmatullo Mirboboev met representatives from the Singapore Institute of Management Development at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan. The meeting was attended by Dr. Eric Khan, President of the Institute, Tan Shun Lee Michael, International Relations Manager, Sharif Gafar-Consultant and Secretary of the Institute’s Council.

During the conversation, the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science R. Mirboboev informed about the education system in the Republic of Tajikistan and  activities of higher education institutions, at the same time he emphasized that the Ministry of Education and Science is taking the necessary measures for  preparation of highly qualified specialists in accordance with requirements labor market and will take the necessary measures in order to establish cooperation with the Singapore Institute of Management Development.

Dr. Eric Khan, President of the Institute and Sharif Gafar, Advisor and Secretary of the Institute, noted that the Singapore Institute for Management Development has compass centers in Uzbekistan, India, Malaysia, China and is ready to train specialists for the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of production management, tourism and hospitality, information technology.

As a result, the parties agreed that after the work of expert consultants and the development of agreements, cooperation with higher education institutions of the country will be established, also at the level of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.