The head of chair: Tuev Shohin Shoevich

Academic degree: candidate of pedagogical sciences



History of the chair

The Higher Mathematics and Informatics chair was established by the order of the rector of Mining-metallurgical Institute of Tajikistan from 20.08.2006 on the basis of the Charter of the higher professional institution, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute. The Higher Mathematics and Informatics chair is an integral part of the structure of the institute, taking into account the educational work among students and scientific and methodological work among teachers by the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Academic Council of the Institute.

The first head of the chair  Solekhov O. appointed. In the year of the chair’s activity teachers Ibrohimov S, Dadoboeva M., Ziyomidinov BM, Saidulloeva MM, Haidarova AB, Ismoilova M., Nasriddinov ZZ, Safarov R. worked.

Educational disciplines of the chair:

higher mathematics, information technology, the basics of using computers and modern computer programs. The main activities of the department are the organization and conduct of laboratory classes, practical, independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher, the organization and conduct of educational work among students and etc.


The chair was headed in different years:

  1. Candidate of physic-mathematic sciences – Solihov O. – from 20.08.2006 until 01.2007
  2. Ziyomiddinov B.M. – from 01.02.2007 until 01.07.2007
  3. Salohiddinov K. – from09.2007 until 01.07.2008
  4. Candidate of physic-mathematic sciences Boboev L.Gh. – from 01.09.2009 until 01.07.2010
  5. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Saydulloeva M.M. – from 31.08.2010 until 01.07.2014
  6. Candidate of physic-mathematic sciences Rustamova M. – from 31.08.2014 until 01.07.2015
  7. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Juraeva Kh.U. – from 14.09.2015 until 7.02.2020
  8. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Saydulloeva M.M. – from02.2020 until 08.05.2020
  9. Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Tuev Sh.Sh. – from 14.08.2020 now.


Teaching staff

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the chair has 18 teachers. From these, 11 are full-time, 5 are joint internal and 2 are external.

Currently, the chair: The head of chair is  candidate of pedagogical sciences, Tuev Sh.Sh. Also, teachers are Solekhov O. – Associate Professor (joint external position), Oblokulov VM – the candidate of economic sciences, Samadova HK – senior teacher, Ismoilova M. – Senior teacher, Khujamov Sh.E. – assistant, Norboboeva GB – Assistant, Haitov F.Sh. – assistant, Abdurahmonova AI – assistant, Kenjaeva Kh. – Assistant (joint internal position), Saidov AK – assistant (joint internal position), Inoyatova GS – assistant (joint internal position), Rozikov AYO, – assistant (joint internal position), Sherboev M. – Assistant (joint internal position), Kayumov Kh.B. – Assistant (joint external position), Abdulloeva NM – Head of the Cabinet, Nasrulloeva D.M.


Functions of the chair:

       Improving computer skills by teachers and students;

       Be able to use modern programs;

       Conducting practical and laboratory classes in higher mathematics and

       information technology by interactive methods;

       Improving students’ mathematical knowledge.


Achievements of teachers of the chair:

The chair of higher mathematics and informatics teaches higher mathematics and information technology, modern computer programs, the basics of using computers for bachelors and computer science for undergraduates.      

 Teachers of the chair participate at academic, national and international conferences. The chair has cooperation with the departments of higher education institutions of the country in the field of internships and professional development.       Teachers of the chair contribute to the preparation and publication of books, manuals, monographs, educational programs and research work.

Scientific works of teachers of the chair:

       Saydulloeva M.M., Ziyomidinov BM – Methodical manual “Solving problems from mathematical analysis”, Khujand – Meroj, 2014;

       Nazarov P.A, Haitova F.Sh. – Textbook “Collection of examples and problems of higher mathematics”, Khujand – Meroj, 2017;

       Ziyomiddinov BM, Juraeva H.U. and Saidulloeva MM – “Short course of lectures on higher mathematics”, Khujand – Meroj, 2018;

Ziyomiddinov B.M., Norboboeva G.B., Juraeva H.U. – “Methodical instructions and tasks for independent work in higher mathematics”, Khujand – Meroj 2018;

       Ziyomiddinov B.M., Norboboeva GB, Juraeva H.U. – “Methodological guidelines and tasks for distance education”, Khujand – Meroj 2019;

Juraeva H.U. – monograph “Ways of implementing the didactic principles of secondary schools in the Republic of Tajikistan”, Khujand, 2019;

       Oblokulov VM – The monograph “The state and prospects of development of the market of public electronic services in the Republic of Tajikistan” – Dushanbe, Irfon 2019;

 Tuev Sh.Sh., Saidov AK – “Instructions for use of the Mathcad program” – Noshir, Khujand 2020.


Material and educational base of the chair:

       The chair of higher mathematics and informatics is constantly striving to improve the material and technical base of the department. The chair has 2 cabinets of computer technology, 30 computers, 2 electronic board, 6 projectors and 50 seats for students. Audiences are periodically equipped with state-of-the-art instruction manuals.